Saturday, June 21, 2008

Intuition, Not For Women Only!

Before the advent of speech, intuition proved essential for our progenitors' survival in a hostile environment. The ability to respond to threats and act immediately was often a matter of life or death. As speech developed, our ancestral brains rapidly expanded and instinctual knowledge began taking a back seat to reasoned intelligence and logic.

Intuition, once relegated to the domain of women due to historical primacy placed upon factual information, seems to be getting greater respect these days. With more sophisticated understanding of the complex workings of brain structure and chemistry, intuition, insight, gut feelings, and common sense are no longer the step-children of knowledge:

• Commit to having free, uncluttered time (even if it's 5-10 minutes/day), to focus on inner sight, inklings, hunches, etc.

• Make a conscious effort to be more attuned to nuances of communication (those that women are particularly adept at employing): body language, tone of voice, facial signals and listening skills.

• Don't allow left brain processes to deny right brain hunches-check out those quick insights which often provide direct knowledge.

• The more experience and expertise held in an area, the more likely you are to be inspired and guided by your sixth sense-trust it and use it.

• When you sense the certainty of your impressions and foresights, give yourself permission to "go with your gut".

• Keep an Intuition Log to determine how often your instincts are right- check the accuracy of your unfettered perceptions over time and be aware how these impressions come to you-through dreams, thoughts, sensory input, or instantaneous insights.

And remember, taking action is the catalyst for change!

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