Thursday, November 20, 2008

Catalytic Converters

No, this Tip isn't about car engines, but rather about what it takes
to be an innovator, "converting" others to embrace uncharted
visions and setting new trends. Why is it that individuals or
organizations that start off as trail blazers seem to run out of
inspiration, design and creativity after such dazzling beginnings?
Whether at home or at the office, what helps or hinders unique
viewpoints to flourish? In order to nurture and encourage those
qualities, inherent in innovative minds, consider these musings:

• The "curse of knowledge"- experts become insulated, associating
with other authorities in their field, unable to remember a time when
they didn't know what they know, and incapable of effectively
communicating their knowledge to others.

• Core messages are concrete and readily conveyed- to the
uninitiated, the use of jargon, acronyms and an alphabet soup of
letters denoting various titles and labels is off-putting and

• What type of "culture" has been established – one that rewards
novel ideas and taking chances, or an oppressive climate that prizes
conformity, compliance and not asking questions?

• Visionaries are rarely motivated by standard goals or pursuing a
life path deemed acceptable for them - they single-mindedly and
passionately persevere in achieving their dreams and are undaunted by

• Failure often becomes a motivating factor, promoting more
opportunities and out of the box thinking.

• Influencers/Early Adopters/Transformers readily surround themselves
with bright and talented individuals, establishing a team which
further motivates and inspires original and ingenious ideas.

• Strategic planning is a mainstay - long-term thinking rather than
short-term gain is employed in bringing their visions to fruition,
using a variety of networks to gain adherents for their plans.

• Renaissance thinkers are passionate about their ideas, are inner-
directed, and revel in creating new paradigms.

• Risk takers enjoy shaking up the existing order- they are generally
rule breakers by nature.

And remember, taking action is the catalyst for change!