Saturday, September 20, 2008


Having just attended a (mini) high school reunion, it was easy to see why the bonds cemented by intense friendships with those who were our secret keepers, adventurous co-conspirators, and acceptors of our vulnerabilities still held sway, making the event a totally positive, meaningful and memorable experience. Although decades had passed since seeing many of these schoolmates, there was no difficulty in picking up where we last left off, relishing that ephemeral feeling that time had almost stood still, reminiscing about that exuberant, carefree and fun segment of our lives:

• Nostalgia is not a dirty word- harkens back to lighthearted and (often) more innocent times-can serve as a blueprint for recapturing things perhaps now missing in life.

• Revel in the hilarity of looking at old pictures, films, and videos and appreciate yourself and your pals at those stages of life-you’re with people who loved you as you were.

• Friendships were always a priority- the frequency and proximity for having regular contact with these buddies made closeness and interdependence natural and easy; friendships are still an integral part of emotional (and ultimately, physical) health, so stop making excuses and set aside the time!

• Making amends-at this reunion, one friend said she had to apologize to another for her abominable junior high school behavior over a “stolen” boyfriend- great opportunities do exist to set things right.

• Excitement at finding a “new” old friend- not having been close friends “way back when”, yet finding you’ve both grown to now have a great deal in common.

• Letting it all hang out- it’s unnecessary to have to hide your age, where you came from, crazy things you might have said and done, so exhale and enjoy.

• Let your fingers do the walking (on your computer)- use social networking and online alumni finder sites as an easy way to connect with those with whom you’ve lost touch.

And remember, taking action is the catalyst for change!