Friday, September 26, 2008

Energizing Environments

Some things are actually easier to change than we realize. Our physical environments can have a huge impact upon mood, attitude, physical well-being, and psychological health. Re-arranging, organizing and altering your home and work spaces can make a profound difference in your life, coupling a more buoyant outlook with greater energy.

Along with these suggestions, think about others you can devise:

• Assessment time- home and/or work areas chaotic or non-productive? Take time to evaluate how to eliminate sources of stress in these locales and start by changing ONE thing at a time.

• Add enlivening colors, pictures, art, music and lighting to your home and work environments.

• Get away from “same old, same old”- quotidian tasks easily become routine and boring- begin by injecting small changes into daily or repeated schedules and situations (e.g. remove the T.V. from the bedroom, try 1-2 new recipes/food each week, take a brisk walk before showering, etc.)

• Conversely (re: the above), if habits need to be broken, a change in surroundings (and their attendant associations) is often a major first step (i.e. if a morning cigarette accompanies a cup of coffee, try switching to tea, if you tend to easily “vege out” after work, sign up for some classes or arrange time with friends, etc.).

• Engage ALL your senses: use scented candles, soothing lotions, healthy snacks, calming music (be particularly aware of lowering noise pollution in your surroundings), and create a visually beautiful home atmosphere.

• Share all manner of things with friends and family-exchange books, art, accessories-things which open up experiences, ideas, concepts and information, promoting discussion and camaraderie.

• Explore the exotic- take a (minimal) risk and wear something you wouldn’t normally don, paint a wall (or room) in your home a bold color, get involved in exciting activities, plan an adventurous trip-the list is endless.

• Time to change those who people your landscape? -while you may not be able to change everyone you’d like to (a relative, boss, etc.), make certain that the majority of your interactions are with upbeat and supportive individuals.

And remember, taking action is the catalyst for change!