Friday, December 5, 2008

Countering Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTS)

Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTS) are automatic largely because they have recurred many times over one's lifetime. Significant emotional experiences during childhood or adolescence intensify these responses, so the likelihood of them disappearing overnight is between slim and none!

ANT elimination therefore requires repeated counter-attacks. Placing them under the "microscope" reveals them to be untrue and counter-productive. Try asking yourself these questions:

*Evidence: What is the objective evidence for this ANT?

*Exaggeration: Is this ANT an exaggeration? Am I over-reacting?

*Am I over-generalizing?

*Alternatives: What are some other possible explanations? How would a scientist or impartial observer explain this?

*Flexibility: Can I evaluate this situation in less rigid terms? Am I thinking in overly rigid, black- or-white, all-or-none terms?

*Helps or harms: Is this belief enhancing or diminishing?

*Comparison: How have others fared in similar situations?

*Changing Places: How would I evaluate other people who acted as I did?

And remember, taking action is the catalyst for change!